As a full time stay at home mom, my main focus (of course) is my kids. Making sure they are focused, respectful, blah, blah, blah!!! So hard sometimes. As a mom of three boys, I think I have it pretty good. I've seen my friends with girls and some of the drama they go through - and I remember myself at that age!!! Sorry mom.
So my oldest is at Freshman orientation today for high school. Wow! I just know I'm not old enough for a kid ready to start high school!!! Yes, I'll always be in denial! As my first baby, this poor guy gets all the experiences first and the tightest reign from mom. It's my first experiences too. As my middle boy gets older, I realize how hard I was on my first at that same age. BUT it keeps happening because I guess I just don't know any better.
With my first, I read all the books and listened to what a lot of people told me. He was totally logical, with so much patience and curiosity. He was textbook and so EASY. I could talk to him and explain things and he listened (when he was really little anyway!). I had no idea how smart he was because I didn't have anyone to compare him to. He wanted to learn and had fun learning. He knew and could write the entire alphabet at only two years old.
I've always known he would do well in school and I am so thankful that his path so far has been "easy". He hasn't experienced any huge obstacles or horrible teachers or bullies or any of the things that could really make kids dislike school.
I am so thankful for his father and for my husband that have given me the opportunity to be home and guide him as much as I can. I can see the challenges arising as he is growing into a man (scary!) but I am up to it and he is definitely worth it!
Now onto making money online so I can stay home and pay for college! LOL :-)
If you want to see how, please check it out and join me on this journey!
Peace, love and prosperity to all of you!
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